My bullshit detector is so sensitive that I often miss out on really good stuff because - in the manner of a punk rock adolescent - I insist that “no one is telling me what to like. I’ll make up my own mind thanks.”
I stubbornly gave ‘Star Wars’ a swerve for more than 40 years because when it was first released I was sick of being told it was a “must see”. The years of nerdy reverence that followed only strengthened my resolve.
Having finally got around to watching it in the last couple of years, I don’t really regret that one, but how could I possibly know until I’d seen it?
The downside of my PR allergy is that I’ve only just clocked the brilliance of Larry David’s hilarious grouchfest ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ - a mere quarter of a century after it first appeared.
I know. What a dick.
There’s something to be said for not following the crowd, of course, but it does mean you can deny yourself genuine pleasure.
Anyway, if like me, you’re an irrationally picky so and so, you might be tempted to shun the crowd pleasing, multi award winning phenomenon that is ‘Hamilton’.
Don’t! It’s brilliant.
Having seen finally seen it, I’m in awe of Lin-Manuel’s Miranda cosmic boldness in conceiving what was originally an off-Broadway show which encompasses a revolutionary war, a constitutional wrangle, and TWO romantic sub plots.
That he does it in the argot of hip hop and R n B is even more impressive.
In case you don’t know the Alexander Hamilton of the title was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States who helped overthrow British rule.
He overcame a childhood of destitution to become George Washington’s right hand man, and excelled as a soldier, politician and a lover - though not always as a husband.
What that outline doesn’t tell you about are the audacious rhyming schemes and brilliant vocal performances from the likes of Aisha Jawando, Sam Oledainde, Charles Simmons and Maya Britto - to name just four in this deliciously diverse cast.
The staging is slick; the performances impeccable; the overall effect, spellbinding.
Just this once, you can believe the hype.